We are pleased to invite you to take part in the 4th Annual Symposium of the Serbian Society of Esthetic Dentistry SYNERGY 4.0. The International Symposium Synergy 4.0 will be held on May 21, 2021 at the Hilton Hotel in Belgrade, in the form of a hybrid event. The live program (onsite lectures and workshops) will be organized for a limited number of participants, while all interested lectures will be able to watch ONLINE.
The Synergy 4.0 Symposium is organize in accordance with all recommendations of the Government of Serbia and the protocol of the Institute of Public Health on measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 virus.
Synergy has become synonymous with new energy in educating the region’s dental community. This year we are announcing an exceptional program: lectures leading domestic and world experts in the field of aesthetic dentistry, hands-on workshops and an exhibition of our partners. The program includes various topics of interest to dentists, dental technicians and all members of the dental team.
The Health Council of Serbia has accredited the program of the International Symposium "Synergy 4.0" - under number 1550/21-II for dentists, specialists in all branches of dentistry, dental technicians, dental nurses (lecturers 10 points, passive participation 6 points).
Registration of participants is mandatory.
Registration fee
Delegates SSED Non-Member - 130 €
Delegates SSED Member - 100 €
Undergraduate Students - 80 €
Online Participants SSED Non-Members- 50 €
Online Participants SSED members - 40 €
Registration fee for UESS members, non-members and undergraduate students includes:
access to lectures
access to hands-on sessions*
access to exhibitions
coffee breaks
certificate of participation
*Number of participants in hands-on sessions is limited, and filled according to the principle “first come – first served”. During the registration process you will be asked to annotate if you want to participate in particular hands-on session. Registration fee payment along with the expressed will to participate in hands-on session provide reservation of a seat at particular session.
Registration fee for online participants includes:
access to online lectures
access to a virtual exhibition
access to an e-program
certificate of participation.
Note: It is necessary to officially register before paying the registration fee.

Method of payment
Bank transfer only - Due to pay until deadline given in the Pro-forma Invoice. All payments must be made in Euros (€), except for payment from Serbia who should pay in local currency (RSD). Please note that payments by bank transfer will only be accepted by May 17, 2021. All bank charges are the responsibility of the participant and must be paid in addition to the registration fees. Please note that your registration will be valid only on receipt of your payment and that any unpaid bank charges will be collected on site.
After you have completed your online registration you will receive a confirmation of registration and a Pro-forma Invoice with all details for bank transfer by e-mail.
Registration cancellation policy
All cancellations must be emailed prior to the below deadlines:
Cancellations received between April 20 and May 10, 2021 – 50 % will be refunded.
After May 11, 2021 – no refund.
In case that SYNERGY 4.0 is cancelled due to COVID-19 situation, participants who paid registration fee are entitled to full refund of the registration fee.

Udruženje za estetsku stomatologiju Srbije - UESS
Cvijićeva 38, Belgrade
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